A new chapter – Mentoring and teaching(3/12/2020)In the spring of 2018, I was invited to give a Master Class and individual voice lessons to the young artists at l’Atelier Lyrique de l’Opéra de Montréal. Having been a member of this Young Artists Program in the nineties, I was very touched by the invitation. In 1998, after ten years of studying voice, with a Masters Degree in my pocket, I was enjoying a busy calendar of solo gigs, while teaching voice and being a bass section lead in multiple amateur and professional choral ensembles. I was also working as an accompanist for pop and classical singers, a… Lire la suite...
Celebrating 25 Years(2/6/2018)Today I reflect on my life and I give thanks for the journey, for the experiences past and present. The year 2016 was a special year for me; I was celebrating 25 years of a professional singing career. I did my professional singing Debut on October 27th, 1991, the day of my 23rd birthday. It took place in Graz, Austria, where I was the bass soloist in the Mozart’s REQUIEM. It was an out-of-this-world experience for me and a memory that still to this day gives me shivers of pure joy! Caught in the magic of this experience, I had… Lire la suite...
L’opéra LOUIS RIEL de Harry Somers(7/14/2017)Après neuf représentations de l’opéra LOUIS RIEL de Harry Somers à la Canadian Opera Company et au Centre National des Arts d’Ottawa, nous en sommes à quelques jours du début des représentations pour le chapitre Festival d’Opéra de Québec de cette trilogie estivale. Je suis rempli de gratitude pour le cadeau du magnifique rôle de Monseigneur Alexandre-Antonin Taché et pour mes collègues sensationels qui partagent si généreusement leur talent, passion, coeur et âme avec le public. Je suis aussi très honoré de reprendre ce rôle que la basse canadienne Joseph Rouleau avait créé en 1967; Monsieur Rouleau a été pour… Lire la suite...